Food poisoning at home
Symptoms of food poisoning generally include indisposition, vomiting, diarrhea and / or stomach pains. They may come up several hours after eating something contaminated with bactéria.
Usually the symptoms pass after two days, but if they continue and do not improve after these days you should consult a doctor. But how, after all, did the food get infected with bacteria? You may not want to admit it, but it's probably your fault.
Here are the main major mistakes that are made in the kitchen that may be behind food poisoning.
- The most common is to not wash your hands thoroughly before, during and after handling food. Another very common is to think that if the food does not smell bad, it can only be good. Know that the most dangerous bacteria are often those that do not affect the taste, appearance, smell or texture of food.
- Only use a forceps or tongs for the barbecue, even when cooking fish and meat and sometimes picking up raw meat or cooked meat. Avoid cross-contamination, whether on barbecue or other recipes you prepare in the kitchen.
- Forgetting to separate the cooked meat from the raw, the same applies to the fish. This is the most common cause of food poisoning. Whether on the grill, in the pot, on a platter, or even in the fridge, meat and fish cooked with meat and raw fish are never joined (even if only leaning).
- Wash raw chicken meat. Both the campylobacter bacteria (found in about half of the chicken bought in supermarket) and salmonela are destroyed when the chicken is well cooked, but can spread throughout your kitchen when washing the raw meat. In turn, the traces of these bacteria are on the kitchen surfaces and can contaminate your hands and other foods that you handle in those areas.
- Reuse cleaning cloths that are not washed. Do you have a cleaning cloth in the house that you use to clean everything in the kitchen and usually wipe it with water, let it dry and use it over and over until you finally get it to the washing machine? The cleaning cloth may be dry, but not well washed and disinfected, which means it spreads bacteria through your kitchen every time you use it.
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