Are you trying to lose weight?

The simple calculation of the calories consumed vs. the calories burned is a basis for weight loss. However, it is not by avoiding all the caloric foods that you will be able to lose weight faster. Ideally, rather than looking at the calories, look at the source of the calories you ingest.
There are foods that are more caloric, but that also have more protein, fiber and fat, which is essential to stay satiated for longer, resulting in a lower caloric intake at the end of the day. Do not be afraid of the calories of food, as long as they are healthy.

Are you trying to lose weight?
According to Prevention magazine here are five calorie foods that anyone who is trying to lose weight should eat:
  1. Avocado. A third of avocado can contain 80 calories, but also has 20 vitamins and minerals, three grams of fiber and still monounsaturated fats.
  2. Egg yolks. For those who are trying to lose weight, eating only the egg whites and leaving the yolks out is a good way to cut down on calories eaten, however, that may not help much in the long run. Egg yolks are rich in important nutrients like vitamins A, B and K2 and choline. These nutrients contribute to metabolic and thyroid health, both crucial for weight loss.
  3. Fatty dairy products. One of the oldest recommendations for weight loss is to choose to consume lean or medium-fat dairy products, but for some time we have known that this tip may not be the most useful. Current studies show that populations that consume fat dairy products have lower rates of obesity than those who opt for the less fat versions. Milk fat contains a fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is thought to improve fat loss.
  4. Dry fruits. For those who want to lose weight, a hand full of nuts is an excellent choice for sanck. This is because they are loaded with protein, fiber and mono and polyunsaturated fats, which help you feel satisfied and satiated for longer. About 23 almonds and 40 pistachios may contain 160 calories.
  5. Olive oil. Olive oil is a polyunsaturated fat that contains omega 3 and 6, which reduce inflammation, a common cause of weight gain. A tablespoon may contain about 120 calories, so it is ideal for seasoning low calorie dishes such as salads or vegetables baked or cooked, for example.


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