Do you like pasta with tomato sauce or Bolognese?
Excess salt or cheese may be the major drawback of these dishes, but there is a secret ingredient that gives a lot of flavor without having to add too much salt or cheese.
Bake your favorite pasta, make your tomato sauce or bolognese and put the second / third on the first as usual. Cut a small slice of lemon or half a lemon, remove the seeds and squeeze it on the plate with the dough and the sauce. Then stir it well so that the taste of the lemon juice is evenly distributed throughout your meal.
Do not overdo the amount of juice you add, but the lemon will intensify the flavors you already have on your plate, such as salt, a flavor enhancer, but without the counterpart of sodium. Adding fresh lemon juice will highlight the acidity of the tomatões and intensify the flavor of the dough, making your dish get full of flavor.
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