Visceral fat

For the body to function properly and the immune system is capable of dealing with all kinds of aggressive agents it is necessary that the human body has some fat and on this fact there is no doubt.
However, when the fat is in excess the risks are more than many and there is a type of fat that can be truly painful for health. It is visceral fat, much more distressing to health than subcutaneous fat, that is under the skin and can be felt (yes, the little tire or the fold that both annoy and stubborn in not disappearing).
As Health magazine's website explains, visceral fat is found inside the belly, more specifically around the organs and under the abdominal muscles, and is therefore not palpable.

But, why is this type of fat different and worse?

Because it stimulates the creation and release of cytokine, a protein that interferes with the function of several cells and which, for example, affects insulin production. But not only.

Visceral fat
Visceral fat, which causes the belly to grow considerably in cases of overweight, is still one of the main triggers of inflammatory processes in the body, leaving it always in a state of stress and at the mercy of unexpected responses of the immune system.
But it is not only people with a large abdominal perimeter who are at risk, the false lean are also vulnerable to this type of fat and to all the consequences that it carries ... being the liver the weakest link. The journal says that visceral fat interferes on a large scale with liver health, since it prevents your cells from being 'aware' of the insulin levels present, which can cause an increase in blood pressure and even trigger the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Since it is a fat and has clear implications in the blood, the existence of extra visceral fat can still cause an increase in cholesterol levels, leaving cardiovascular health more susceptible to possible diseases.
The best way to prevent or combat visceral fat, which tends to increase with advancing age, is through a healthy lifestyle, based on varied and balanced diet (and without industrialized products or rich in sugar and trans fats) and By the practice of physical exercise.


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