Myths of Food - True or False!

Many are the information that circulate word of mouth or on websites about food. But not all that is said is true, and so the Buena Vida + website compiled the myths and truths about eating food.

The conclusions were presented by the Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries, after experts focused on the subject of diets and food products.

1. Eat carrot helps the bronze [True]

Carrot contains beta-carotene, an antioxidant carotenoid pigment that helps accelerate tanning and protect skin from skin burns.

2. Hyperproteic diets lose weight [False]

These types of diets help you lose weight easily and quickly, but these pounds are quickly recovered right after the end of the diet.

3. Fruit after meal fatten [False]

The fruit does not change calories depending on when it is ingested, so do not gain weight after a meal.


Myths of Food - True or False!

4. It is important to eat fats to be healthy [True]

Fats are the main energy source of our diet, which presupposes that the human being needs to ingest it. However, experts recommend moderate consumption of saturated fats.

5. Do not eat breakfast [False]

People who do not eat breakfast tend to gain weight because they are very hungry in the following hours and opt for unintended food.

6. Sleep less produces weight gain [True]

Lack of sleep influences the hormones essential for appetite balance. So the study reveals that people who sleep less than five hours, compared to those who sleep eight hours, end up having weight gains and are prone to obesity.

7. Drinking fattening water [False]

Water is not fattening and this is one of the most false myths of food, since the lack of calories makes it impossible for water to provide weight gain.

8. Must only drink when thirsty [False]

Thirst comes when we lose 1 to 2% of body weight in liquid, which means that we are already dehydrated. In this way, we must hydrate ourselves before we become thirsty.

9. Whole products lose weight [False]

Whole foods almost always have the same calories as non-whole foods; however, having more fiber and minerals will further satisfy hunger and decrease appetite.


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