Eat more to lose weight, seriously?

Believing that you need to 'go hungry' to lose weight is one of the biggest mistakes and one that has the biggest impact on health and well-being.
According to the American nutritionist Lisa Young, in order to make the process of losing weight healthy and effective, it is necessary to bet on food and never devalue it, as is usually the case.
"Restricting too many calories is counterproductive," says the specialist to the website of Prevention magazine, noting that only with a varied, balanced and constant diet (that is, done several times a day taking into account the needs of each person) Keep the metabolism active, the body protected and the body strong enough for daily tasks and for the practice of physical exercise.
In addition, calorie restriction can cause a loss of important nutrients and the hunger sensation not only raises the risk and probability of falling into more caloric temptations, but also increases the feeling of failure, sadness and possible depression. Also note that the calories are not all the same and that it is important to know how to choose the best ones.
But if not eating is a mistake, eating too much is. The best thing to do, he continues, is to bet on a diet that satisfies and fits the goals set, if you lose four, five, ten or twenty kilos, for example. One must also bet on natural foods, with low fat and preferably whole. Banning processed foods that offer nothing more than sugar and trans fats is important not only to prevent weight gain, but also to protect health and possible hormonal changes.
And the best way to know whether or not I need to eat even more when I want to lose weight is with a careful analysis of the signs that the body is giving, signs that must be revealed to a doctor or nutritionist, so that it is created A food plan with adequate calorie intake that not only stimulates weight loss but also ensures good health and well-being.

Eat more to lose weight, seriously?
According to Prevention magazine, these are the signs that you really need to start eating more even when you're on a diet:
1 - Being constantly thinking about food not only proves that you have eaten little, but also increases the probability of eating less healthy foods as a way of compensation, throwing away all the 'effort' made so far;
2 - Stop snacking or snacking, a decision that deprives the body of nutrients and that causes the person to eat more and more in the main meals, losing the notion of the quantity;
3 - Constant and increasingly intense headaches are a clear sign of lack of nutrients;
4 - Fatigue and apathy, especially in relation to physical activity, is also a common symptom when nutrient intake is deficient;
5 - The levels of irritation are high, because the person does not feel satiated, becomes tired and always with the sensation of hunger and failure;
6 - The meals do not leave enough satiated, something that happens when one opts for dishes too small and / or too empty;
7 - In the case of women, absence of menstruation.


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